When evaluating the “stress thermometer” we look at how genetics impact the way we cope, how we sleep, how we digest, and our environment. Our environment includes what we eat, the toxins we live in or consume, supplementing with nutraceuticals, and life events such as relationship stress, grief and loss, work stress, and more. Some we have control over and others we do not. In the end, when evaluating our body and deciding how to cope, we should also be evaluating what changes we can make and what we can do to cope with the stress.
Many times, we say food is our first response and many times food is very hard to change. We suggest by starting with just one meal or replacing one toxin with something better. In addition, we suggest a supplement as we want to get the nutrients into the body in an easier and more efficient way. Another way to help the body is exercise. Just a small amount of exercise, 10-20 minutes, has been shown to improve serotonin and allow the body to get rid of toxins. Add some positive thoughts during this time and you may find low mood improve and negative thoughts lessen throughout the day.
Change is often hard to make when we are stressed. As we are overflowing, just thinking of taking these steps can be difficult. It seems easier for us to just leave it and hope it goes away. Often things do pass but our goal is to make small changes and stay on top of regulating stress. Increasing B-vitamins, eating healthy food, or going for a walk may keep your “stress thermometer” from impacting your sleep, digestion or other areas of the body. You know yourself best. Take a look what your symptoms are and make the correct changes for your health and your future.
nutraMetrix Isotonix® Digestive Enzymes with Probiotics
Primary benefits of digestive enzymes*:
Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels
May help ease occasional stomach upset
Promotes digestion and absorption of nutrients
Provides enzymes and good bacteria that promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients
Supports a healthy digestive tract
Supports healthy immune functions
Helps maintain normal skin
Supports healthy skin
To order supplements, click below!
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.