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The Kid's
Therapy Center LLC
Bismarck & Valley City, North Dakota

The Kid's Therapy Center - Main Clinic
TKTC has 3 locations in ND!
Our main location is at
1701 South 12th St Bismarck, ND, 58504.
This location is the home to 7 mental health counselors, Mental Health Wellness Program, administrative staff and our billing department.
Step Wellness
We are also excited to have Step Wellness within this location. Step Wellness is owned by Julie Landsiedel FNPc. Julie is a Nurse Practitioner by trade and has a passion for helping others without a prescription pad. She is nationally recognized for the work she has done with food and supplementation in helping others have the health they dreamt about. Some of her specialties are lifestyle changes for weight management, pain management and autoimmune disorders.

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