What is Brainspotting?
Brainspotting is a form of psychotherapy that reaches the non-verbal portion of the brain, reducing the need for extensive talking. Brainspotting helps release emotional trauma, negative emotions, or physical pain stored in your brain and your body.
How Does Brainspotting Work?
Brainspotting can help clients go deeper quicker than talk therapy because it bypasses the part of the brain, neocortical, where speech and language lives. Instead, it works directly with the portion of the brain where the emotional and traumatic memories live, the subcortical or limbic portion of the brain. Brainspotting is a form of brain-body therapy that allows us to identify, process and release emotional stress, trauma, and negative emotions that we hold.
Dr. David Grand developed Brainspotting and coined the motto “where you look affects how you feel”; it refers to the position of our eyes connecting to the encapsulated distress in the limbic brain.
What Conditions Does Brainspotting Therapy Help?
Anxiety and panic
Physical and emotional trauma
Issues related to ADHD and ADD
Recovery from injury, accident trauma, and medical trauma
Chronic pain conditions
Sports performance
and many others
What Are The Benefits of Brainspotting?
Practitioners all over the world find Brainspotting to be a powerful and effective therapy for their clients. Fewer sessions may be required than in traditional talk therapy to reach a desired resolution. Clients may feel more during their sessions as the brain becomes ready.
Ultimately, Brainspotting is intended to help you gain fresh insights into old problems. This might mean that old traumas/negative emotions cease to have a hold on you.
Unlike traditional talk therapy, Brainspotting may take fewer sessions to gain fresh insight into old problems.
What to Expect After Brainspotting
Immediately after a session clients report different results. Depending on what issues are being worked on there are a wide range of emotions that may come up after sessions. Overall, the goal is to help you release trauma and limitations so you can feel lighter and freer in all aspects of your life.
You might feel:
Emotionally raw
You can expect to continue to process these issues that were being worked on in session 3-5 days after the original session.
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