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The Kid's
Therapy Center LLC
Bismarck & Valley City, North Dakota

Holistic Mental Health Services
Our Health and Wellness Program has many different ways you and your family can implement it in to your lives.
Wellness Consultation ($80 per hour, not billable to insurance)
Our healthy living session are for patients to freely discuss any mental health aspect of their child or themselves. We want to support you in living a healthy lifestyle for the importance of your or your child's mental health. During the session the professional may provide information and resources on the following topics:
Education from the Wellness Survey completed
Gut-Brain Connection importance
Detox Baths
Label Reading
Food Sensitivities
Other testing options
Functional testing allows us to test and not guess. At TKTC we offer a variety of ways for you to better understand how you or your child's body works and relate it to their mental health. We are providers for Mosaic Labs and Genetic Direction. Check out our labs here.
Holistic Mental Health Education
We have a passion for helping families make the adjustments to live for better mental health. Often this means learning how the body works, having the mindset (Good, Better, Best), taking steps with nutrition, and exercise. Allow us to support you in this adventure.
*​These statements have not been evaluated by Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.​​*
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