One strategy that fosters emotional closeness and connection within a family is family rituals. Rituals are events that occur on a routine basis that have shared meaning in the family. Think back to events that meant a lot to you growing up. Maybe you woke up to balloons in your bed on your birthday every year. Maybe you had tacos every Tuesday and cooked breakfast together every Sunday morning. Maybe you played board games every Friday night, or had the same song sung to you every night at bedtime. Maybe you always got an ice cream cone after swimming in grandma’s pool.
While these seem like small things at the time, they actually can be powerful anchor points for every member of the family—when everything else feels chaotic or busy, everyone knows they can count on the consistency and predictability of these rituals. They also foster a sense of belonging, connection, values, and security. These rituals can be especially important during the holiday season, a time of particular focus on family closeness. Take some time together as a family to identify what rituals you already have and brainstorm ideas for rituals you might like to add!
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