The Kid's
Therapy Center LLC
Bismarck & Valley City, North Dakota

Event Calendar
Food for Mood - Mondays at 5:30 p.m.
See flyer below for more information
Call 751-0384 to register
all classes at TKTC, 1701 S. 12th St., Bismarck
Bounce - Wednesdays at 5:45 p.m.
((BOUNCE))™ is the world's leading mini trampoline fitness brand.
Driven by music with a jammin' beat, ((B)) is a high intensity, low impact, choreographed, fitness routine performed on a mini trampoline.
45-60 minute class
We promote self-love, self-care, and confidence.
Open to all ages and abilities
This class is at The Kid's Therapy Center Wellness Center at 1421 S. 12th St., Bismarck
Pre-registration is required at https://app.classfit.com/index.php/c/Class/647931
See more information on the flyer below.
Mind Body Trauma Sensitive Yoga Class: Adult Women's Group
February 3rd, 2022
3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
1421 S 12th St, Bismarck
We are welcoming all adults to join this fun group. The group will include learning about body awareness through a range of movements from Trauma Center Trauma-Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY). Outcomes of this are to assist participants to express emotions as well as develop and implement effective coping skills.
no need to have a history of trauma
must wear comfy, loose-fitting clothes
fun way to cope with emotions
To register please call the clinic at 701-751-0384 to set up an intake and complete necessary paperwork. This service is billable to most insurances.